Join our loyalty program for free and take advantage of 10%* off on your stay by booking on
Our loyalty program's advantages
Our loyalty program's advantages
Free membership to the loyalty program.
An immediate 10%* discount on the nightly price by booking directly on the website
An Easy Check-in.
Personalized offers according to the customer's consumption patterns.
Exclusive monthly communication from the brand.
A call center for reservations and customer service...
*in aparthotels participating in the loyalty programme (consult the list)
Join our program that has been specially developed for you!
Your loyalty is priceless to us.
Join our program that has been specially developed for you!
(*) By validating the form, you consent to the processing of your data by (Société Réside Etudes Gestion) for the purposes of managing your customer account. Your data will be processed exclusively by our Operations and IT teams and our authorized subcontractors. To learn more or exercise your rights at any time, consult our Personal Data Protection Charter.
You have the option of registering for free on the telephone canvassing opposition list
An e-mail to confirm your registration has been sent.
You must click on the activation link contained in this e-mail to immediately benefit from the 10% discount.
Your entry contains errors. Please fill out or correct the fields in red.
Your loyalty is priceless to us.
Join our program that has been specially developed for you!
(*) By validating the form, you consent to the processing of your data by (Société Réside Etudes Gestion) for the purposes of managing your customer account. Your data will be processed exclusively by our Operations and IT teams and our authorized subcontractors. To learn more or exercise your rights at any time, consult our Personal Data Protection Charter.
You have the option of registering for free on the telephone canvassing opposition list