Réside Études

Company Presentation

1 Company, 7 brands

Since 1989, the Réside Études Group has been designing, marketing and operating serviced urban residences, positioning itself as a forerunner in the property and hotel-restaurant sectors.

All across France and internationally, Réside Études offers its services to a diverse customer base: students, business people and tourists.

Our Key Figures

A quantitative summary of our business activities and our development.

Creation of the company

Opening of the first les estudines residence

+ 2 500
+ 2 500

A number that has more than doubled since 2010


On average/year

27 000
27 000
Apartments managed
+ 200
+ 200
Residences in operation

All over France and internationally

Millions of euros in revenue
Groupe Réside études

Reside Études group, a french major player in urban residences

Over its 35 years of existence, Réside Études group has managed to create a unique position for itself on the market, where success requires a wide variety of skills and know-how, by running three complementary businesses: real estate development, operations, and property management.

By developing and coordinating these three businesses within its organization, Réside Études was able to develop a strong business and social model.

With each residence, this model makes it possible to generate: a good investment for real estate investors, a residential offering in line with users' needs, and an economic activity that creates jobs, value, and attractiveness for cities.

Réside Études is one of the only operators of 100% urban residences to completely control the entire value creation chain.

This strategic choice has made it possible for Réside Études to develop a true product culture and to build its own quality criteria.